Remade in Italy and Plastic second life

After the publication of the new Procurement Code, which mandates the purchase of eco-sustainable materials and products compliant with the GPP (Green Public Procurement) criteria, Valsir Recycling decided to obtain “Remade in Italy®” certification, which is accredited and recognised by the Minimum Environmental Criteria. The regulation of “Green Procurement” is aimed at ensuring more sustainable purchases, thus promoting the Circular Economy and the recovery of materials previously destined for disposal

The materials used within our compounds, which, as reported in the “Remade in Italy®” product data sheets, are mainly derived from end-of-life vehicle plastics, plastic filings and shavings, plastics and rubber, packaging materials, etc., have excellent mechanical and aesthetic properties.

In fact, the certification also guarantees total traceability throughout each stage of production, complete transparency and monitoring of suppliers, and certainty with regard to the statements contained therein.


This means that Valsir Recycling is able to trace each incoming batch, production number, and, if necessary, even the name of the operator and outgoing batch, at any given time.

But aesthetic and mechanical properties aren’t our only strengths: in fact, our material can be utilised without making any changes, ensuring excellent and consistent processability.

The certified materials are identified with special labels indicating the exact percentage of recycled material contained within the compound, considering the input and output mass balances.

And thanks to our certified compounds, customers are able to bid on public tenders with their moulded, extruded or blown products.

We guarantee:

  • Compound with exact % recycled material (UNI EN ISO 14021);
  • Total traceability;
  • CAM Compliance for GPP.



Our strengths

Valsir Recycling has the technology required to transform any polyolefin plastic waste into End of Waste material in ground or granulated form: our thirty years of experience in the processing of plastic materials allows us to guarantee a constant supply of ground and granulated polypropylene and polyethylene products that are compliant with the Uniplast 10667 standards, and are always accompanied by a technical and material safety data sheet.

A large part of our compounds is certified with EPD on the basis of LCA studies. Thanks to this important innovation, our partners can be sure that the recycled material processed at our plants has a reduced environmental impact and actively contributes to safeguarding the planet

Our compounds also enjoy "Remade in Italy®" and "Plastic Second Life" certification, which identify and certify the exact content of recycled material within our compounds, ensuring full traceability and allowing our customers to participate in public tenders thanks to CAM compliance.

Over the past few years, we’ve further expanded our activities with the development of a new department that allows our customers and suppliers to bring their circular economies full circle by transforming industrial and post-consumer waste into high-capacity pallets made from 100% recycled plastic, which can be made with custom colours, personalised logos, and various other options.