What we're looking for

Valsir Recycling specialises in the mechanical processing of polyolefin-based plastic waste in order to transform it into End of Waste material in regrind or granulated form to be completely re-utilised for new production purposes.

Our division has two sorting, grinding and washing lines available, which are respectively dedicated to rigid plastics and plastic film.

Our plants’ input materials consist of all forms of special, non-hazardous, post-consumer and post-industrial waste (whole, shredded, or regrind).


Polypropylene from post-consumer bumpers, Simona® sheets, moulding, with honeycomb structure, and industrial waste.

PP da paraurti post consumo
PP from post-consumer bumpers
PP da lastra Simona
PP from Simona® sheets
PP da stampaggio
PP from moulding
PP alveolare
Honeycomb PP
PP da scarto industriale
PP from industrial waste


High-density polyethylene from post-consumer tanks, bins, crates for water packaging, PE100 and PE80 pipes and blow-moulded containers,
and low-density polyethylene from film and stretch wrap.

HDPE da serbatoi post consumo
HDPE from post-consumer tanks
HDPE da cassonetti
HDPE from bins
HDPE da cassette per l’imballo di acqua
HDPE from crates for water packaging
HDPE da tubo in PE 100
HDPE from PE100 pipe
HDPE da soffiaggio taniche e cisterne
HDPE from blow-moulded containers
LDPE da film
LDPE from film
LDPE da stretch
LDPE from stretch wrap